Monday, April 4, 2016

~~My Review of This is Love, Baby by K. Webster~~5 STARS!

K. Webster has done it again!!!! The ARC for this book showed up just in time for my Spring Break vacation! I was hoping to savor it for the trip but once again, the author grabbed my attention and I couldn't put the book down! I think I was done with it in less than 24 hours!

The book starts off with a bang and character I hadn't expected to see or hear about anymore. It was shocking and I didn't know which way this story would go! Let's just say it went the way I was hoping for! :)

I love War! He is a dream come true wrapped up in a tidy neat package! He has his issues but is willing to overcome them for his Baylee! He knows she is the light at the end of the tunnel for him! And Baylee may be young, but that girl is strong and mature for her age. She knows not everything is as it seems but hopes to fight her way back to her Love!

I don't want to give too much away! But if you love DARK, then this book is for you! This book is a one heck of a good DARK roller coaster of a ride that you want to get on! The author does a wonderful job with strong characters, good plots & twists and of course, the DARKNESS!

I will let you in on one little tidbit, the author threw something in the epilogue that left the hairs on my body standing up!!

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